Persuasive Ways of Preventing Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed  Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

DDoS attacks are like cyberattacks, in which the attackers try to direct an overflow of appeals to networks that they want to break down completely. The aim of such attacks, as studied is usually competition, to hinder performances, of good businesses, websites, and apps on mobile, otherwise the attackers intend to harm the business and its performance so that they can earn huge amounts of money by claiming to build it again.

An organization’s internet site and app on mobile have some capacity to deal with requests that originate from numerous sources. The DDoS attack exploits the dimension, to slow these websites or crash them completely by sending various appeals to the sources, increasing traffic. Businesses that offer products or services through their internet sites and apps are the key targets of such attackers.

Some of the common DDoS attacks related to mobile apps are: 

UDP called User Datagram Protocol

The attackers here flood random applications with user datagram packets of protocol, the hosts continuously look for applicable requests due to this but are helpless. It keeps sending multiple responses like ‘Destination not reachable’ This affects the resource of the server, resulting in it shut down.

  1. ICMP echo Flood

The attacker here sends ICMP request packets for flooding networks. The attackers send this randomly, trying to disrupt the outgoing and incoming traffic. The situation gets worse because the server responds back to these threats with ICMP packets of its own.

  1. Death Ping

As suggested in the name, a sequence of large-sized, spiteful pings is directed to aim the applications. Generally, there are limits to the size of packets, the attacks that emphasize large-sized packets overpower the systems aimed.

  1. Slowloris Attack

Here two web servers try to take each other down that focus on creating a connection and then sending fractional requests. These requests do not get completed and are usually open because of which the other requests that are genuine get blocked.

  1. NTP Strengthening

Making use of traffic through UDP, these attacks target the network that is available publicly. The emphasis is on sending a lot of requests rapidly to merely make it problematic for answering applications. These are called high-bandwidth outbreaks, or attacks that are very high-volume. 

  1. Flooding HTTP

Reliable HTTP requests are also exploited by attackers malicious packets are sent along with deceiving techniques. These are measured requests that come every second.

  1. Layered Attacks on Applications 

The emphasis of such bouts is to flood the website which is the target with resource-intensive requests, like downloading of very heavy files or access to the database. A bot is usually used to send heaps of requests like this which look very genuine. 

The target website gets overloaded that results in a drastic slowdown. The attacks target precise application packets, typically look to disturb precise functionalities like online dealings. Representative examples, attacks of this kind are, Slowloris, cross-site scripting, HTTP Flooding, SQL injections, etc.

  1. Volume Built Attacks

Attackers here apply bots on numerous devices, diverse net connections to deluge a site that is battered with a fake circulation of traffic. Genuine information is blocked because of this resulting in crashing the website. Distinctive examples include User Datagram Protocols, DNS strengthening, bluffed flood packets, etc. 

Strengthening of DDoS

The strategy targets the Domain Name in two ways

Reflection Chargen

Attempts are made to exploit the Chargen here, an obsolete testing procedure that was in 1983 followed. It permits the external world to ask for replies from devices with a huge number of characters randomly, which gives precise security loopholes that are further exploited by hackers. Minor packets through a bluffed address website, which is targeted are fixated to numerous devices which reply back with their own packets, devastating systems.

Reflection of DNS

Fake IP addresses are used to direct the server numerous requests, which replies with lots of responses. If we use a botnet, inquiries are augmented thus increasing the streaming traffic drastically. This disrupts the server immediately. In worst-case scenarios, configurations of DNS servers are not accurate, leading them to take inquiries from the entire world where domains are not trusted, as opposite to accurately arranged servers. 

Myths following around DDoS Attacks

  1. These bouts are just normal because they do not steal data: Even if they do not steal the data, they influence businesses from viewpoint of reputation, reliability, performance of websites, etc. More than enough for revenues to go down. Likewise, this cannot be understated, they impact numerous stakeholders and must be attended to. Let’s take an example of a website selling online is attacked during a big sale and discount season, even if it does not steal data, it would hamper the sales thus affecting the profits.
  1. Only the websites are targeted: even though primarily the websites are targeted, but any other connected device to the internet could be impacted. The organization and its properties are susceptible to getting affected too. For example, if an app of a bank is targeted, customers using it and the business could be very well impacted. 

3.There is nothing to worry about because the impact is not big: As per some reports, companies can have millions of losses, on attacks from DDoS. It’s surely a sum to get worried about. During sales, if the internet sites are attacked, competitors can encash such opportunities.

Measures for Prevention of Attacks from DDoS

  1. Do have a plan for preventing these attacks in case of emergencies
  2. Develop a strategy for managing susceptible risks
  3. Be ready to act quickly by using anti-DDoS services
  4. Always use the latest versions of Routers and firewalls
  5. You should ensure the usage of multi-dimensional real-time testing platforms
  6. Ensure using RASP security is important


There are major developments in these attacks which makes them more complicated and advanced. This does not give more time to the organizations for reacting. It is important to use the correct plan. Appsealing has the best technologies available, make use of it for protecting your interests.


By Robson