The advantages of AdWords are numerous. And it makes sense to visualize them. But it is also essential to make the necessary restrictions and critical comments. This is the only way to exploit potential consciously. The benefits of AdWords in general and on the search network are stated below.

  • Only Potential Customers

With AdWords services(รับ ทำ adwords which is the term in thai), you can target your target audience. You only generate and pay for potential customers who are interested in your product or service. All other users don’t even see your ad. You can use suitable keywords to specify what users need to search for your ads to appear. They also segment on geographic, linguistic, or temporal levels. And all this with the vast “Google community” as a potential contact. If this is one of the most significant advantages of AdWords, there is precisely the danger: Because of course, you can also set up AdWords in such a way that the wrong users are addressed, and unnecessary costs are incurred. It all depends on you.

  • Hot Leads Only

With AdWords, you are not looking for your customers – your customers are looking for you! Because with his search query, the user already shows that he is interested in your offer. No cold acquisition, but hot leads. Imagine a user searches for pizza on Google. This search is an excellent opportunity for you to draw your pizza’s attention to your website.

  • Cost Control

With Google AdWords, you have full control over your costs. You regulate this via your daily budget. This is the maximum amount you want to spend per day. You can change it at any time. There is no minimum fee. If there is a lot of demand today or if you used only 8 euros yesterday, Google exceeds the budget by a maximum of 20%. At the end of the month, however, you are back to the set daily maximum on average. What does Google do when your daily budget is reached? It stops your ads from appearing, so there are no paid clicks.

By Robson